working group
Our working group's primary mission is to empower forest and climate activists to successfully counter the anti-fire/pro-logging propaganda from the timber industry, government agencies, and their political allies that claim protecting forests makes them vulnerable to wildfires and/or logging forests can prevent wildfires. Our secondary mission is to educate people about the many connections between climate change, wildfires, forest protection, and the role of ecological fire management in protecting communities, sustaining forests, and recovering climate stability.
Contact: Carol Valentine, valentine@cavenet.com or Cara, cara@bark-out.org
Recent actions & ways to help
Breitenbush Watershed Blockade
November 16, 2021 - Dozens of community members risked arrest to protest post-fire logging planned by Willamette National Forest in the century-old Breitenbush watershed forest. Organizers blockaded one of the roads leading into forests imminently threatened with clearcutting and are occupying the area.
Tell the Willamette Forest Service to halt this lawless logging and give the Breitenbush watershed its day in court!